4 Easy Ways Your Business Can Go Green

Going green at the office will help reduce your carbon footprint, and you’ll save some green in the process.
keyboard with three green buttons

Source Green Office Supplies

If you shop online for office supplies (think: printer paper, light bulbs, batteries), make an effort to purchase environmentally friendly products whenever possible. Recycled paper, LED light bulbs, and rechargeable batteries can all up the ante on your green efforts.

Place Recycling Bins Around the Office

Employees are more likely to place discarded materials in recycling bins if they are easily accessible. The kitchen or break room is the best place to start, but don’t forget to place one next to the copier as well.

Go Green in the Kitchen

Eliminate disposable cutlery, plates, and cups, and don’t buy single-use plastic straws. Stock the kitchen with fair trade coffee and tea, and avoid single-use coffee pods. Purchase snack products in bulk, and don’t buy bottled water – instead, install a water cooler and provide employees with refillable bottles.

Reduce Paper Use

Because we were forced to look for alternative ways of doing business during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of those paper-saving measures are here to stay. Reducing paper consumption will not only save a tree, but you’ll have more storage space, less waste, and perhaps even fewer copy machines or printers. When you do have to print something out, printing on both sides of each sheet of paper will cut the amount of paper you use in half.

PRO TIP: Touch-free electric hand-dryers in the restrooms are more economical than paper towels – and they minimize the spread of germs.